While we will always try to prevent them, restorative treatments are very common for children since they are young and struggle to take care of their teeth on their own. If you have any questions about pediatric restorative dentistry in Tucson, Arizona, please call Oro Valley Pediatric Dentistry today at 520-297-5900. We will get your child set up for an appointment or consultation with our dentists, Dr. Nathan Sprenger or Dr. Andrew Stucki.

Pediatric restorative dentistry focuses on restoring the child’s oral health and the function of their smile after tooth damage occurs. If a child has experienced damage, decay or tooth loss, we offer several treatments to help them restore their oral health and help them once again achieve an optimally functioning smile.

Our dentists will closely examine the child’s mouth to create a treatment plan specific to their needs. Once a treatment plan has been determined, our dentists will walk you and your child through it to make sure everyone is on the same page and that all questions can be answered.

We look forward to helping your child achieve a happy, healthy smile. If you have any questions about pediatric restorative dental treatments, we invite you to call our office or stop by anytime.