At Oro Valley Pediatric Dentistry, we provide pediatric dental sealants to prevent cavities and bacteria in our patient’s teeth. This treatment adds an extra layer of protection to the teeth to avoid tooth decay. If you want to learn more about pediatric dental sealants in Tucson, Arizona, give us a call today at 520-297-5900, and we will get you scheduled for an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Nathan Sprenger or Dr. Andrew Stucki.

Pediatric dental sealants are a very thin plastic layer that is painted on the surfaces of the teeth. The sealants work to prevent cavities, bacteria and decay from occurring. These are not a substitute for daily oral health care like brushing and flossing, but they can help to prevent cavities from developing. Dental sealants are especially helpful in the hard-to-reach areas where cavities often form. The sealants keep food out of those areas to keep your child’s teeth cavity-free.

It is possible for sealants to last up to 10 years, but our dentists will watch them and notify you if they need to be replaced sooner. For patients who are prone to cavities, dental sealants are very beneficial. Our dentists will typically suggest dental sealants once your child’s permanent molars have come in.

If you want to learn more about pediatric dental sealants, we invite you to call our office today. Preventive dental care is important, and we are here to help you with that!