Primary teeth are more important than a lot of people might realize. At Oro Valley Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to help people understand why primary teeth play such a big part in your child’s dental development. If you want to schedule an appointment for pediatric dentistry in Tucson, Arizona, with our dentists, Dr. Nathan Sprenger or Dr. Andrew Stucki, call us today at 520-297-5900.

Primary teeth, also referred to as baby teeth, are very important to your child’s dental development. A lot of people assume that, since they fall out as the child grows older, they are unnecessary. Baby teeth are important because they:

  • Help with speech development
  • Help the jaw align properly
  • Help with chewing and nutrition habits
  • Act as a guide to permanent teeth
  • Help achieve self-confidence from having a healthy smile

Primary teeth guide permanent teeth into their proper positions when they are ready to grow in. Without baby teeth, the permanent teeth will grow in out of place and cause problems down the road. If a baby tooth is lost too early, our dentists will suggest a space maintainer to help the tooth grow in correctly. Misalignment can cause cavities, crooked teeth, bite issues and the need for orthodontic treatment.

Schedule an appointment with our dentists so we can instruct you on how to best care for your child’s oral health and to help it develop properly. It is important to establish healthy oral habits as early on as possible. If you have any questions, please call our office, and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.