When a teen is living their busy life, it is hard to keep track of all of the things they need to do, including their oral health routine. At Oro Valley Pediatric Dentistry, we want to help them learn proper oral health habits to make sure it is not forgotten. Call us today at 520-297-5900 to learn more about teenage dentistry in Tucson, Arizona, and to schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Nathan Sprenger or Dr. Andrew Stucki.

There can be a lot of struggles that come with teenage years. From an oral health perspective, they face the possible need for orthodontic treatment, struggles with appearance, bad breath, wisdom teeth removal and a poor diet. Most teenagers live busy lives with school, extracurricular activities, jobs and social lives. This makes it hard to keep up with daily mundane tasks like their oral health care routine even when these are the most important years to do so.

We strongly suggest that you bring your child in for a cleaning and exam every six mouths to make sure they have maintained good oral health and address any dental issues that may have occurred.
Here are some tips to get your teenager through these busy years with good oral health:

  • Remind them to brush and floss at home
  • Schedule their regular preventive care appointments
  • Be a good example to them by taking care of your own teeth
  • Keep toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss on hand
  • Encourage them to eat a healthy balanced diet
  • Talk to your child about the dangers of smoking and oral piercings

Call our office today for more information about teenage dentistry and to set up an appointment with our dentists.